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Religious Stories


The story of a blind and a lantern

The earth is getting very sick day by day. But, the human minds are thousand times sicker !.......

 An ascetic came from a long journey to an obscure village on a gloomy night.  There were some villagers continuously walking to and fro in the streets. When the ascetic walked into an alley, he saw a dim yellow light approaching quietly from the deep end...

Dutiful God,oh God of mine, Give me the strength to overcome. The rage of life, the zest is gone, A monastic life I lead alone. I have no friends to call my own, For bitterness enveloped me long ago. The sense of being worthy has been gone, I had it all,...

The Mountain, The Sea, The Hell, and The Heaven

A short collection of poems on adult ideas for anyone of any ages to delve into.

THE MOUNTAIN I am a mountain. I am massive, and I am immovable. I do not need to move, Because I am fine where I am. I let others walk over me, But it does not hurt me, Because my skin is so tough. Dust blows onto me, and stays for a while. Then it leaves...

Abel and Kane

The battle for the soul of humanity began here.

Abel and Kane “I will not ask you again Miss Gatewood.” The interrogator said. “What did you see down there?” Gatewood stamped out her cigarette on the tAbel . “I already told you. Freedom.” The interrogator snarled. “What does that supposed to mean?” Gat...