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Enduring love Stories

enduring love

The Love Show #8: Dinner Time

Time for the dinner party

The next two days passed quickly as we carried on working, playing and eating food and each other. Despite combined efforts at both houses, my Culinary Incineration wedding vows remained uncompleted. The Dinner Party takes up to eight hours to film and goes late into the evening as Sarah had discovered but managed to truncate due to the early flight out. We told the producers that they could pick us up from my place as we...

As You Slip Away

Dementia is a cruel thief

We built a life upon this earth Filled with love and ceaseless mirth Each day brought never-ending laughter Sweet thoughts of happily ever after. We worked so hard and made our plan To travel far across this land But as the time did gather near Those dreams began to disappear Oh, so subtle at the start Were little things that hurt my heart My words unheard, perhaps ignored No matter how much I implored. We had forever, or...

Across an extensive, moonlit labyrinth Intricate trials must be faced and won Innumerable traps hidden in hedges and plinths All to prove that you are my sun Stepping over immobile skeletons Past suitors who failed before me My darling, they are irrelevant For I shall gift you love as endless as the sea Navigating through winding paths Bones aching, muscles burning Focusing on the memory of your laughs You are worth a tho...

Your beauty extends into the heavens, My fondness for you deepens And my heart starts to weaken every time I see you. Your beautiful essence shines so brightly, It makes others long to have. Try as they might, Your beauty can never be caught or matched. I question if you are real, I only know it is true by the way I feel. Your beauty is so vast it can't be concealed. I never knew you existed until I met you. A woman craft...

When you're far from me, There's a poem that always brings me closer 2 U… It's our very own poem just for U and me. Longing to recite it 2 U And wishing U were holding me ~ That's when I feel your arms around me once again. I know This is one of those silly love poems I read to U. Makes me wanna be with U Where ever U r 2 nite. Who's ever listening… Just hold your lover tight. This is one of those silly love poems U alway...

At last the light of this bright truth has shone On my dull and uncomprehending mind, That for my sake you have all else forgone, For without thought and ne'er a glance behind You gave your heart, and doing heaped upon My head such shame that I could be so blind. For sake of me you have your life redrawn, All other loves for me to dust consigned, And claimed this, not as loss, but bright new morn, A ray of hope into your...