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Before the creak of keys in the door, came the cacophony of jeers. It swelled in volume until almost painful on the ears, dying to a faded moan after a few long minutes.The man, in the end cell, closed his eyes in the hope that it would soften the assault...

A Key for a Key

A script I'm currently working on is eluding me, so I wrote the following to try and work around it.

"Ayyyy?"Abigail gritted her teeth. Why couldn't her father ever, not once, manage her full name? She was simply a sound, a noise emitted from between filthy lips when he needed to refer to her. The screech of her first initial was his calling-cry when he...

L is for Lazy

Just a thought off the top of my head, written down really fast and then submitted.

When I was fifteen, I wrote a poem that earned me a spot in a writer’s workshop. I didn’t submit it, a teacher did. I was the youngest person in the workshop. I did not know it at the time but a special arrangement had been made for me after some degree o...

I go to the library to relax To find a book with all the facts Read a short story on the run Grab a joke-book just for fun Visit places I have never been See people with different trends Look up sports, animals and such These and more with only a touch Wi...