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Understanding Stories


Yes, Always...

some moments are perfect

Today we sat in the sun together. You took my hand and twined your fingers in mine. Suddenly your hand was the center of my universe. Lifting it to my face, I kissed your palm, my tongue trailing along your life line leaving moisture there. Your fingers m...

Epiphany of Sorts

Finding clues and tools, always missed before, talking to myself.

Standing, thinking upon my porch. Came to me, an epiphany of sorts. Answer to a question identified.Something finally I recognized. Asked far too often over many years.Recognition, brings my eyes to tears. Haunting things from my past.Always feeling like...

My Words are Translations

An expression of how hard it is to express in words all that you feel and be truly understood

My words are translations of my breathing and are hard to say in your language. My tongue, my teeth, my lips can barely pronounce the words from my country where the mountains are steep, the valleys dark and cannot be reached without effort and desire. I...

Thinking of You

All I can do is think of you

Sitting here looking out my windowall I can do is think of you.I look at the sunset as it gets darker and all I can do is think of you.I see you in the leaves falling from my trees. Are you slipping away from me?You say things can go wrong when our words...