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Musing Stories



Light of a new day; a passing rain shower; beauty of an Australian rainforest.

Earth slowly rouses from darkness to light; The first rays of dawn reach the horizon as Gathering clouds mask the sky; Low clouds form a gossamer cloak, Enshrouding a rainforest, dulling its vibrancy. Raindrops fall from clouds above, Showering tropical trees, flowers, and creatures of the earth, Gently bathing all that breathes below; The Autumnal shower nourishes this peaceful sanctuary. After some time the rain ceased,...

Brother Sun And Sister Moon

The Day and Nights' unique qualities

Your radiant rays warm and cheer in many ways, To brown the skin and strengthen bone, our bodies crave for you alone. We need to see you in the sky, to reassure us hope is there, when clouds hide you we do despair. Your essence is a potent part, of why we hold passion in our hearts. You greet us and bid us farewell, with golden rays you weave a spell, Caress our hearts and bodies too and return next day, our liaison to re...


Taking the sun, the moon, the stars and every thing good in me.

I am sitting with my morning coffee. My girl walks in and says "it's over." And just like that, she is gone. I watch from our kitchen window as she drives away. Taking the sun, the moon, the stars, and anything inside of me that is good. I am left a shell of the man she seduced five months ago. I stand frozen as my heart explodes. I think back to when she'd wake me as we slowly made love. But things change, and that's the...

What Gives You The Right

My rambling thoughts...

What gives you the right to assume I’m DTF? That’s Down To… Well, you can look it up. I assure you I’m not. Perhaps after some time, some long time, and a bonding friendship built of courting and a heavy dose of flirting. Yes, I said courting. People don’t court anymore and they should, but that’s a rant for another time. What gives you the right to assume that I want to be touched? I don’t walk by you with the joy of hav...

Stillness is an art, a challenge, a marathon,An elusive quality to strive for. Life’s distractions are simpler,Busy-ness, activities, filling the diary,Padding the mind with the next thing to do. The white noise of chatterExternalises focus, Like the buzz of traffic,A sea crammed with boats,The skies packed with planes. So, in this threatening, frightening, enforced stillness,It is hard to perceive the soul benefits. We h...


What People Don't Realise

A short story by Andrea Snyman. Some stories begin where you think they end.

What people don’t realise is that death isn’t what they think it is. ~ You find yourself in a waiting room…Sitting comfortably on the couch. It’s not too cold, it’s not too warm…It even comes complete with old school elevator type music. They probably figured a setting as familiar as a doctor’s office would be calming, but then they never met my orthodontist. He is still very much alive and torturing little children with...

Save Their Innocence: A Musing

A musing about the violent events of 2018 in America...

“Somebody!” “Please!” “Please, somebody!” The screams fill my ears as I watch the news video play out. The gunshots punctuate every cry with a hollow shout. My heart beats like a hummingbird’s wings with the knowledge that if we do not fix this - if this just keeps going and we don't change something in our system - my nieces could have to worry about this when they go to school. When I was in elementary school, the most...

Spires of Holiness Burst beams through clouds Crisp air Refreshes my Soul   Harps and Lyres Gruntled melody through din Tympanic sound Refreshes my Soul   Incense and myrrh Invigorated scents through smoke Melded aromas Refreshes my Soul   Chocolate and peppermint Indulgence through sharpness Combining flavors Refreshes my Soul   Corduroy and suede Roughed through processes Textured fabric Refreshes my Soul    

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I have walked the path of the ancient ones. Each step made me stronger. Wiser. Fearless. I don’t suffer the antics of fools. Nor do I tolerate the pretense of substance. Heavy is the granite of my principals. Cracked by forces meant to weaken me. Wedges are afforded to few family and friends. Flexible to blood and love. Yet firm in my resolve to stay the course. The ancient ones pass through me. Or more likely I pass thro...

Soul Unique

Soul unique and beautifully perfect

Everything society finds to be rational,is simply a revelation,or an interpretation of another's expressions,or beliefs. To be true to one's self,one has to look deep inside.Not hide real feelings and our way of life.By accepting the interpretations of others,as truth for anyone but the interpreter. We each know what is correct for us.We each feel in different ways.What is spot on for another,is not necessarily true for e...

Standing out here out on a mesa in these high desert plains and hearing what sounds like voices on the wind that’s softly blowing, and I am stretching imagination and nerves to hear what they seem to be saying. Knowing that the path I have followed is right which the Tao has decided and directed those of us chosen to find that single Essential Truth that shines in our minds like a mission. As I stand here in the dark red...

Standing here and knowing that we are all flawed and at times seem to be stuck with the things we aren’t proud of, along with the decisions that we have made that turn into those thoughts that torture our dreams and seem to cripple our souls. There times when I, or rather we hate being out here and it seems to be like a nightmare, and sometimes asking ourselves if God is out there and allowing those thoughts to exist and...

Every step of the way we walk the line and in most cases, we get what we deserve, as your days are numbered and so are mine. While time seems to be piling up as we seem to struggle and scrape with there being no place to escape to as we all feel like we are boxed in. With just more games to be played by them with their jukebox tears, and they seem to be lookin’ out at the cotton fields for some sort of dignity that passes...


If I had wings...

The melancholy beauty of the fall

The olives and the ochres of withered blades,Of conkers and hazel all through the gladeDark evenings, too soon the clock going back,Squirrels secreting their nutty snacksA ring of fairies dancing on the lawn,Appearing in the early dawn  The cool breeze brings a dash of rain,Like tears on the window paneA double rainbow a lucky sign?Still no evading autumn time Some might speak of the fall,Time to don coat and shawlNo more...

Adios Irma

And stay out!!

This, hopefully, will be my last rant about Irma Tuesday 9.12.17 4:20 pm ESTIrma has finished her dance with the sunshine state. She hovered over Naples for hours pummeling them with rain and devastating winds. She even left a storm surge of about 3 feet. The last time I saw Irma's location was Sunday night around 9:15 right before we saw sparks flying out our sliding glass doors followed by a loud POP. Then, darkness and...