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Language Stories


Witness Well

We are Adam or Eve reborn in every generation ...

 "Witness Well" (c) Mike Stone Raanana, February 3, 2019   Nothing in nature is hidden from us; It has no secrets. It is we who close our eyes Or look away And think it magic or unknowable, Unwilling to give up the comfort of our ignorance. When we walk in a forest lush With trees standing and fallen Beheld within the play of sun and shade We must not be daunted That we know not the names of sycamore or oak, Crocuses or m...

I got told off at work the other day. Not uncommon, the children always have an answer for everything, and I am constantly getting attitude and sass, but I just sass them straight back. I am teaching the next generation to be sarcastic assholes. You're welcome, society.The particular boy who told me off, has no language skills. He is on the autistic spectrum and he has a specialist who comes into see him a few times a wee...

A Rambling, Roaming, Musing thing

1) Open an AbiWord document and start typing. 2) Submit the results 3) ???? 4) Profit.

Sometimes I wonder what age people think I am. I mean, I know I don’t act like I’m 29, but I am, sadly. I’m 29 and still get asked for ID. Even for fag papers. Okay, so I don’t buy them any more because I’ve given up smoking, but over the past year, I have for friends who still smoke. It’s kinda sad, but I was always know as the one who had the perpetual fag in his gob. I love how British that sentence is. Anyway, what ag...

A Silly Poem About Grammar

You may learn something, but probably not... Who knows?

An interesting thought, Though like it you may not,Is the fact that a writer,Could be much shiter......Without proper use of grammar.And if it was illegal you’d be in the slammer,For using incorrect fucking grammar,So just be thankful, when you miss that commaThat you won’t be put in an everlasting coma.Respect the comma,To tame the coma,Love the semicolon,But spare the colon:Too many of these and you’ll be no lon(ger).Us...

I have been asked many times why I do not share some of the stories about my years in law enforcement, alas that I cannot do. Remember those of us in public service quickly develop a dark sense of humor to help us cope with the day by day drama we face, we rarely see people at their best. Then there is the whole language issue. While in earshot of the public and news media it is a strain to maintain a PC tone in our speec...

My name is Mindy. I live with my Mommy and my Meme. I have a big brother named Gary. He's in college. I just started first grade. I can already read a little because my Mommy always read to me at night and I learned some words. They're things made of letters. Letters are little black squiggles and when you put them together they make words that mean things. At school, they are white squiggles on the blackboard. So I can r...

Jackson Goes to Starbucks, Realizes Why People Hate Lawyers

The author, a lawyer, learns from Starbucks why people hate his kind.

Coma patients should receive transfusions of my blood. Enough caffeine is coursing through my veins at any given moment that my blood could probably literally wake the dead. My addiction to coffee is so bad that I wake up in the mornings feeling hung over and more angry than a grizzly being poked by a stick. When I go to my office, the assistants scatter like cockroaches if they know I have yet to get my fix. Methamphetam...