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Mirror Stories


Dark Image

Be careful what you say. It might come back to haunt you.

In retrospect, it wasn't the wisest final sentence to yell at my boyfriend as I kicked him out of the flat: "If I ever see you or that…" I floundered for the right word, "hussy again, I'll kill you both." The front door slammed behind him, a whirlwind of disturbed particles danced in his wake, illuminated by the nearby desk lamp. They began to settle as his footsteps receded, my shaking hand pressed hard against the back...

Crossing Over?

This is a true story.

I cannot recall if I ever related this story on here as I couldn't find it. So with Halloween right around the corner, I feel compelled to tell it. This incident occurred sometime in the late-'70s when haunted houses had become the in thing for many organizations to help fund their other projects, I think that the Jaycees were among the first to discover it. I joined one of the local haunted attractions sponsored by the J...

Lost and Found

Certain places in the house held shadows within them.

The basement didn’t show up on John’s radar until about a year after they had lived in the house, though other spots did, and much more quickly. His daughters took note of the upstairs hallway before they even moved in. Em said it felt weird. John felt it too, and even Alice, who did not put much faith in the supernatural, said she thought of the countless footsteps of previous lodgers and families who used to live here....

Mother of Glass, Mother of Tears

Mirrors are a kind of window.

“You’re fat,” the little girl inside the mirror said to Em. It was long past midnight. Em’s parents and sister were in bed. Em was standing in front of the closed door of her room, where her Dad had hung the full length mirror. She regarded the reflection. The person in the mirror looked just like Em. She wasn’t Em, though. She wasn’t even a little girl, though she looked like one. She wasn’t Em, wasn’t a little girl, pro...


"Remember. The attic is off limits."

The realtor described the place as a grand old dame of a house: a three-story high Victorian in a state of slight disrepair, built in 1897 but with so many random, period-inconsistent architectural details added on over the years (a deck over the front door, a mudroom added on the side, several of the larger rooms broken up with wallboard and framed for apartments) it did not qualify for the historical registry. People si...


Don't you want to know what blood tastes like?

The woman in the mirror spoke to her. This was before she covered all the mirrors in the house. This was back when she was like eleven, maybe twelve, before all the crazy shit happened. Back when they first moved into the house. The woman had been in her mirror for some time. Hiding. At first, Em didn’t even now she was there. She thought it was her own reflection. Em noticed the woman only when she smiled. The woman smil...

I look in the mirror Who do I see A stranger looks back at me Unanswered questions  Pop in my head Closing my eyes tight I repeat several times Who do you see Not today  I must be strong Don't break now Can't let the tears fall Don't let others down Take a deep breath Soon the mask is in place Feelings pushed back  A smile on my face Face the world Don't let on Hide the pain Don't show the hurt Do you see me  

This poem only available on Stories Space. If you are reading it elsewhere, it has been stolen.Face in the shadowsWhere eyes burn black candlesAnd wax in the waterHas armoured the lips,A soul freezes hellWith the loneliness cruel,And the silence is lostWhere the knife of noise slips.The buzz and the humOf the jostling friendsWho are not friends in truth,Nor are saviours of peace,Are a salve to the guiltyWho hide all their...

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Enchanted Mirror

I'm what you face, when you face in the mirror. Long as you live I will still be here. ~Confrontion

Mirror, mirror, on the wall, a crack in the corner, likely to fall. All the distorted voices, hear my call. Take up arms we rise at nightfall. Abrupt fright woke Madge, another nightmare, another dream in which all her dreams disappeared. The howling wind rustling through the trees outside did nothing to ease her fears, as she lay awake. She was burning up, but the cold sweats made her room feel drafty and bitterly cold....

Light hitting her face on the glass,  This little mirror showing one lass. The ugly duckling not near a swan.  Nothing you would lay hands on. What she views she hates,  For she is the one cursed with this face. If you were to see, to cast an eye,  would you mutter bye before saying hi. For in this mirror I look,  looking at the tattered cover of my book. Not interesting, a bit of a bore,  pages ripped out and thrown on t...

Mirrors and Demons

There was a demon in my bathroom mirror, watching me...

There was a demon in my bathroom mirror. This was not one of those cartoon imps, with their chubby faces, and tiny horns. It was not the kind that waves its cute little pitchfork at you as it capers off to some daring, childish mischief. No, this one was a demon of the first degree. Its blood shot eyes stared through the glassy surface of the mirror, sharp teeth like tiny knives visible in it's open, screaming maw. Every...


My musings.

Cleaning a mirror I rub it hard Am I rubbing away the reflection I see? A mother, a wife, a caretaker, a cook Don’t see a woman I used to be. I see long weary nights under my eyes I see worry shining grey in my black hair I see silent frustration in the creases of my smile I see compromises in shapelessness of my body My Reflection, when did I stop caring for me? Reflecting back it was easy to see, Was always easier to cu...

Your face like broken smiles Keep me awake. I search All the hidden mirrors For your immaculate torso. Smells in the kitchen-gardenResolve into memories,Water-spouts here and thereWork out a romantic alphabet..